Prompt Title: Upwork Proposals Based On Client Description

Created 1 year ago
Votes 61
Views 410 times

Prompt Detail:

Name: [YOUR NAME] Skills: [YOUR SKILLS] Experience: [YEARS] Portfolio Link: [PORFOLIO LINK HERE] Client Job Description: [Paste Clinet's Discription Here] Thank you!! And Best regards!!Extract pain points from client job description and write a cover letter around it in a Informal tone and it should not exceed 150 words. Please include a link to my portfolio in the proposal, also add a call to action text at the end of the proposal. Write this in English. Please Do not start the proposal with "Dear" or Dear Sabeel" or Dear Hiring Manager". Instead Start it with "Hi", "Hello" or "Hello There".
Sabeel Mustafa
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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